Dr. Prakash Amte – Saviour of a community on the verge of extinction

Dr. Prakash Baba Amte was destined to serve others. The son of renowned humanitarian, Murlidhar Devidas Amte, he grew up in an ashram and rehabilitation centre founded by his father for leprosy patients in Anandwan, Maharashtra. He later went on to become a social worker and doctor.


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In 1974 Dr. Prakash and his wife Dr. Mandakini took over a project initiated by his father to help the Madia Gonds, a primitive community based in the forests of Eastern Maharashtra. Isolated from the rest of the world, the Madia lacked the basic necessities we take for granted including clothing, education and medical care. Malnutrition, disease and suffering were part of their everyday lives.


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Although the conditions were daunting, Dr Prakash and his wife bravely volunteered to work among the Madia, swapping the comforts of home for a door-less hut with no electricity or water. Nearby they constructed a small cottage hospital where they would treat patients and perform lifesaving surgeries. Initially the community were suspicious of the newcomers, but it wasn’t long before the Amtes would earn their trust thanks to their unwavering guidance, care and support.


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Four decades later and their project, known as Lok Biradari Prakalp, has evolved to include a hospital, residential school and orphanage for injured wild animals.  The hospital and its four doctors (including Dr Prakash’s son) treat 40,000 patients a year free of charge while the school provides free education to over 600 students, among them the Madia’s first generation of doctors, lawyers, teachers, officials, office workers and police.

四十年後,他們的項目“Lok Biradari Prakalp”發展成為包括醫院,寄宿學校和受傷野生動物收容所的綜合性服務站。其中醫院以及四個醫生(包括普拉克什博士的兒子)每年為40,000病人提供免費醫療,學校向600名學生提供免費教育,在他們中間產生了馬迪亞的第一代醫生,律師,教師,官員,寫字樓工作者和警察。

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Some of the awards bestowed upon Dr. Prakash include The Mother Teresa Award for Social Justice in 2014 and the Ramon Magsaysay Award for Community Leadership in 2008.


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Dr. Prakash Amte is one of the finalists in THE ONE 2016. He has received US$50,000 prize money which will be used to further his humanitarian project. Click here for more photos of the Award Ceremony.

普拉克什·阿密特博士入圍2016年THE ONE無名英雄獎。被贈予的五萬美元獎金將用於他的人道主義項目中去。點擊此處查看更多頒獎晚會圖片。

Click to view other finalists of THE ONE 2016:

點擊下圖查看2016年THE ONE其他入圍者:

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